Experimentation & Personalization Platform
The customizable and reliable solution for enterprise environments.

Why iridion
Many business already trust in the power, flexibility, and reliability of iridion.
Learn, why you should too.
Built on Expertise
Iridion captures the essence of more than ten years of expertise in consumer psychology and insights-driven optimization at konversionsKRAFT, Germany. Yes, we use iridion ourselves.
Tailored for perfect fit
“One-size-fits-all” feels uncomfortable? Iridion is the opposite: A solid, yet lean and flexible foundation to build your real-world scenario. We are your project partner to make it a reality.
Ready for your Environment
Iridion is built to integrate perfectly with your specific environment, whether it consists of 3rd-party and self-made solutions or even cloud services.
Enable holistic Collaboration
Iridion helps you to build and maintain a reliable ongoing optimization process which incorporates your organization’s knowledge – A key driver for your business growth.
Built with and for you
Your voice matters for developing iridion further. You have a direct line to the dev team and a dedicated client team of engineers and consultants who use iridion themselves every day.
Ownership like you built it
Don’t risk to let the assets of your optimization platform depend on the strategy of others. With iridion, you fully own all the data and logic, and you can even get the source code.
Run Experiments anywhere and at anytime
Remove your experiments from artificial constraints:
- Cross-platform integration: Client-side, server-side, single page applications, in mobile apps
- Get valid results through clean data and powerful statistics
- Developer friendly
- Powerful analysis section with custom segmentation, funnel reporting and unlimited number of metrics
- Built-in Experiment monitoring and alerting
- Integrated with your Web Analytics solution and Data Visualization tools

Deliver personalized Product Experiences across Channels
Iridion is the mighty onsite- and in-app puzzle piece for your environment:
- Integrate with any data source
- Cross-device, cross-platform user profiling
- Realtime, two-way integration with DMPs, Tag Managers, custom databases, APIs and cloud services
- Template engine to run campaigns without coding
- Powerful scripting engine for custom calculations and logic
- Integrates with your content management system
- Utilizes world class “Tensorflow” deep learning platform

Directly integrate with your existing Tool Landscape
We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all when it comes to experimentation on an Enterprise level. Instead, we treat every customer of iridion as an individual project. Together with your engineers, we design, plan and execute the integration of iridion with your existing systems. Our modular architecture enables us to blend in with your tools. Besides our out-of-the-box integrations for the most common analytics, big data and task management tools, we’re always adding new capabilities to iridion.

Create a scalable and effective Optimization Process
iridion helps you to see experimentation as an holistic process beyond running A/B tests through our powerful workflow management:
- Built-in Site Auditing with realtime collaboration
- Collect and manage ideas from your whole company
- Maintain a prioritized backlog at all time
- Plan your experiments and share your progress
- Stay on top of your goals with the build-in management dashboard
- Document and share your learnings

Pioneering System Integration
Tag Manager
Analytics Tools
Cloud Hosting Provider
Big Data Platforms
Data Base Solutions
Content Management
Are you an Agency?
iridion offers powerful tools for client projects like enterprise-ready security and administration features, as well as out-of-the-box collaboration across the entire workflow as well as planning and reporting functionalities. Learn more about becoming an iridion Agency partner and get an individual quote for your next client project. iridion Agency partners can also get access to customized versions of iridions proven workflow management system to mirror your individual processes.
Learn more
iridion is part of konversionsKRAFT
konversionsKRAFT is Germany’s biggest specialized consultancy & agency for evidence based growth.
Every day, our 70+ experts contribute to the success of our clients by delivering better user experiences. Therefore, we utilize consumer psychology, agile optimization, data science, A/B testing and personalization.
Since 2010, we have been conducting thousands of A/B tests together with and for our clients.
Visit konversionskraft.de for more information